Wednesday, December 23, 2009

RSS Feeds

This one, I think, will prove very helpful and exciting. I didn't know what to choose, so I went with Elizabeth's suggestion of the book reviews on, where I found some books that I want to order for the library's Bio collection, plus a perfect book for my sister for Christmas that I never would have found otherwise!! (Thank you, Elizabeth!) I also added the NYT book and movie reviews, and I do think I will remember to look at those often. The RSS feeds I found will definitely be helpful for work (and my leisure reading and movie-going experiences) and I hope to find more to add.


  1. I love having the info I need come directly to me as it becomes available with no effort on my part.

    I wonder what info patrons would like to be able to have RSS feed sent to them coming from the library?

  2. Maybe upcoming programs or new books that are available, etc.
